610-828-6161        610-828-5920(FAX)        EMERGENCY - 911

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426 FORD STREET        WEST CONSHOHOCKEN, PA        19428



George Clay Fire Company - 426 Ford Street     West Conshohocken, PA      19428

610-828-6161      610-828-5920 (fax)

Contact Us      In an Emergency Dial 911


Adopt -A- Fire Hydrant program
West Conshohocken Borough and The George Clay Fire Company have created an Adopt a Hydrant Program.

The program was created to help keep our fire hydrants clear and available.

Citizens and civic groups can adopt a hydrant or hydrants in their neighborhood.
Residents who adopt hydrants will help the Fire Department by keeping them clear of snow in the winter and overgrowth in the summer.

Residents who participate in the program will also report blocked or damaged hydrants year-round.

What to do:
1. Keep hydrants free of snow and ice.
2. Keep hydrants free of overgrowth (grass and weeds).
3. Report any damaged or leaking hydrants to the Aqua Pennsylvania at 877.987.2782.
4. Report any vehicles blocking hydrants to the West Conshohocken Police Department at 610-940-5842.

What not to do:
1. Paint hydrants
2. Alter or attempt to repair hydrants
3. Mark curb or street

If you would be willing to adopt one or more fire hydrants in your neighborhood or have questions, please contact us at hydrants@geoclay.com or call 610-828-9747.

If you would like to sign up or report an issue, please fill out the form below.